Environmental sustainability, Pinto obtains the EPD: this is what it is

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Environmental sustainability, Pinto obtains the EPD: this is what it is

Our company has obtained the #EPD, i.e. a document that accompanies products or services and allows us to communicate detailed, credible and verifiable information on their life cycle environmental performance. The EPD is a means of proof of compliance with the Minimum Environmental Criteria. The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a document that describes the environmental impacts related to the production of a specific quantity of a product or service: e.g. energy and raw material consumption, waste generation, atmospheric emissions, and discharges into water bodies.

The EPD is type III labelling, a document that communicates objective, comparable and credible information on the environmental performance of products and services. This information is purely informative, as it does not establish assessment methods, preference criteria or minimum levels that environmental performance must meet.

The English acronym EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) is translated into Italian as DAP (Dichiarazione ambientale di prodotto). The results of the analysis are expressed through environmental indicators that measure per unit of product, aspects and impacts such as waste generation, emissions into the atmosphere and water, as well as energy and raw material consumption.

La dichiarazione, creata su base volontaria, deve essere predisposta facendo riferimento all’analisi del ciclo di vita del prodotto basata su uno studio LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), che definisce il consumo di risorse (materiali, acqua, energia) e gli impatti sull’ambiente circostante nelle varie fasi del ciclo di vita del prodotto. Le fasi minime considerate vanno dall’estrazione delle materie prime, il loro trasporto al sito di produzione e la produzione stessa , oppure fino alla dismissione del prodotto stesso. I risultati sono presentati in forma sintetica attraverso l’impiego di una serie d’indicatori ambientali, quali ad esempio la quantità di anidride carbonica emessa o GWP (Global Warming Potential) per unità dichiarata di prodotto (ad es. per tonnellata).Inoltre l’azienda, dispone anche dei Criteri Ambientali Minimi (#CAM), vale a dire dei requisiti ambientali ed ecologici definiti dal Ministero dell’Ambiente volti ad indirizzare verso una razionalizzazione dei #consumi e degli acquisti fornendo indicazioni per l’individuazione di soluzioni progettuali, prodotti o servizi migliori sotto il profilo ambientale.
Grazie al rispetto di determinate procedure otteniamo dei vantaggi di cui possono beneficiare non solo i produttori, ma anche distributori e consumatori. Da tempo la società è attiva nell’ottimizzazione dei costi derivanti dai consumi energetici, cogliendo il valore aggiunto dato dalla riduzione dei propri impatti sull’ecosistema e più recentemente dalle opportunità di #business date dalla nuova normativa sull’#edilizia.

The declaration, created on a voluntary basis, must be prepared with reference to the life cycle analysis of the product based on an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study, which defines the consumption of resources (materials, water, energy) and the impacts on the surrounding environment in the various phases of the product life cycle. The minimum steps considered range from the extraction of raw materials, their transport to the manufacturing site and manufacturing itself, until the disposal of the product in question. The results are presented in summary form through the use of a series of environmental indicators, such as the amount of carbon dioxide emitted or GWP (Global Warming Potential) per declared unit of product (e.g. per tonne). Furthermore, the company also has the Minimum Environmental Criteria ((#MEC), i.e., the environmental and ecological requirements defined by the Ministry of the Environment aimed at guiding towards a rationalization of #consumptions and purchasing by providing indications for the identification of design solutions, products or services that are better from an environmental point of view.

By complying with certain procedures, we obtain advantages from which not only manufacturers, but also distributors and consumers can benefit. For some time, the company has been active in the optimization of costs deriving from energy consumption, seizing the added value given by the reduction of its impact on the ecosystem and, more recently, by the #business opportunities given by the new #building regulations.


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